Saaraa and Chelsea are both Wedding Planners in Calgary, brought together in 2020 while navigating COVID in the wedding industry. A friendship was instantly formed and they have been a support for one another ever since.

While growing their individual wedding planning companies, they discovered a gap in day-of-support, not only for couples, but for planners and other wedding industry vendors alike. With a focus on creating stress free and seamless events, they wanted to give back to those who did not have a day of coordinator or planner, but needed a little extra support executing their events with trained and trusted staff.

With over 9 years combined, Saaraa and Chelsea have successfully executed over 150 events. With a keen eye for design, a strong logistical focus and a calm demeanour, both are well respected in the events world.

With the support of their husbands and event industry friends, The Event Crew was formed! If you are a planner, a bride or groom to be, or an event vendor and want to benefit from quality trained staff to support your event, head to the CONTACT US page now!


Ceremony Setup

Reception Setup

Room Flip

Tear Down

Ceremony Setup Reception Setup Room Flip Tear Down


At our company, we hold ourselves to a high standard, guided by our unwavering core values of trust, efficiency, availability, adaptability, and reliability. We apply these values to every aspect of our work, ensuring that each event we are a part of is characterized by exceptional service and meticulous attention to detail. Our team of dedicated professionals is committed to delivering high-quality event set up and tear down services and tailoring our approach to ensure that your event is a flawless and unforgettable occasion. By providing a seamless and stress-free experience, we enable our clients to fully immerse themselves in the moment and create cherished memories with their loved ones. 

The Event Crew is committed to building long-lasting relationships with our clients and partners in the industry and leveraging our experience, training, efficiency, and adaptability to deliver the highest quality service. Drawing on our extensive experience and rigorous training, we strive to deliver unparalleled service that exceeds expectations.